51 | Guidelines on Third Party Sampling at the loading end - Standard Operating Procedure. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:37.6 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2015-11-26 |
52 | Constitution of Technical Evaluation Committee for determining technical eligiblity of bidders in respect of e-auction of Schedule-I coal mines of the Coal Mines(Special Provisions) Ordinance | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:143.05 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2015-08-03 |
53 | 31st Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantees of prior allocatees where court cases have been filed- regarding. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:154.96 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2015-07-31 |
54 | 31St Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantees of prior allocatees where court cases have been filed- regarding. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:25.16 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2015-06-24 |
55 | Minutes of the 39th meeting of Standing Committee on Safety in Coal Mines held on 13.3.2015 at New Delhi. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:150.17 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2015-04-30 |
56 | 30th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Coal) to review the issue of Bank Guarantees – regarding. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:27.08 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2015-04-29 |
57 | Approval of the Competent Authority on the recommendations of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long-Term) for Power/Cement/Sponge Iron Sectors held on 23.12.2014 under Agenda Items No. 4 of SLC (LT) for Power – regarding. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:20 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2015-04-24 |
58 | Fourth meeting of Inter-Ministerial Committee constituted for proposed auction of coal linkages/LoAs through competitive bidding. – regarding. - Re-scheduled | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:28.29 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2015-04-24 |
59 | Fourth meeting of Inter-Ministerial Committee constituted for proposed auction of coal linkages/LoAs through competitive bidding. – regarding. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:13.93 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2015-04-23 |
60 | Notice for Submission of claims in relation to allotment of Schedule II & III Coal Mines | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:30.39 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2015-04-23 |
61 | Reasons for non-inclusion of requests received through email in the agenda of Standing Linkage Commitee(Long Term) meeting for Power/Sponge/Cement held on 22 September | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:303.02 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2014-09-26 |
62 | Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long – Term) for Power/Sponge/Cement Sectors to review the status of | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:216.97 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2014-09-15 |
63 | Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long – Term) for Power/Sponge/Cement Sectors to review the status of existing coal Linkages/LoAs and other related matters to be held on 11th August | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:543.02 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2014-08-05 |
64 | 27th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (COAL) to undertake review on the issue of Bank Guarantee of the coal blocks which were reviewed in 24th IMG – regarding. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:643.89 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2014-06-17 |
65 | Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long-Term) for Power/Sponge/ Cement Sectors to review the status of existing coal Linkages/LoAs and other related matters on 27th June | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:477.18 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2014-06-10 |
66 | Fifth meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Committee to consider issues related to supply of coal to certain end-use-plants linked to coal blocks – regarding. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:409.17 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2014-05-12 |
67 | Minutes of the 23rd Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) held on 24.10.2013 and 25.10.2013 under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (COAL) to undertake periodic review on the development of allocated coal / lignite blocks – reg. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:14.94 मेगा बाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2013-11-25 |
68 | Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long Term) for Power to discuss the issues relating to the projects granted tapering linkage as per MoPs revised list for which a Presidential directive have been issued to CIL for signing of FSA | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:705.64 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2013-10-03 |
69 | Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (Long Term) for Power to discuss the issues relating to the projects granted tapering linkage as per MoPs revised list for which a Presidential directive have been issued to CIL for signing of FSA | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:53.08 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2013-09-26 |
70 | Meeting of Standing Linkage Committee (Long Term) for Power to review the status of existing coal linkages / LoAs in Power Sector and other related matters | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:153.24 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2013-09-12 |
71 | Meeting of the Standing Linkage Committee (LongTerm) for Power to review the status of existing coal linkages/ LoAs in Power Sector and other related matters | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:687.3 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2013-09-02 |
72 | Notice regarding vacancies of Provident Fund Inspector and Lower Division clerks by direct recruitment in CMPFO | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:28.63 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2013-09-01 |
73 | Record note of discussion of the Meeting on Earmarking of Lignite Blocks - regarding. | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:373.43 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2013-06-27 |
74 | Second meeting of Inter Ministerial Commitee to make recommendation on issues related to supply of coal to certain end use plants (EUPs) linked to coal blocks - correction | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:35.84 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2013-06-25 |
75 | Gazette notification on the Terms & Conditions of Allocation of area containing Coal for the purpose of mining | डाउनलोड
फाइल का आकार:456.43 किलोबाइट
फाइल का प्रकार: पीडीएफ | 2012-12-31 |